All our websites are located at the best servers available in the UK. We can guarantee 99.99% uptime. Not many hosting providers can achieve such amazing results, and this helps us to provide the best experience to our customers and their clients.
WE OFFER extremely good and fast hosting

Every website needs a place to be securely stored and maintained in. This is where your website lives. In other words, it’s like your website’s home, where the domain name is the home address.
Our web hosting services are powered by one of the best data centres out there. Our hosting use cutting edge technology, therefore we can guarantee your website 99.9% of uptime.
Our hosting services don’t stop there, we monitor your website 24/7 to be sure we deliver the highest standard service for your business. Additionally, we have maintenance plans ready for you, if you’d like your website to always be updated, secured and maintained correctly.
Not everyone has the time and knowledge to do it on their own, therefore we are here to help you concentrate on your business while we take care of your website.

Of course, if you prefer to arrange your own hosting you can, but in this case, we will not be able to guarantee you the best speed for your website, because different hosting providers have different speeds, technology and features available. That’s why we always advise our customers to have everything in one place.
If you ever want to move your website to a different hosting provider this is completely fine with us too, once your website is finished it is your property, so you can place it wherever you like.
If you decide to use our maintenance services, we will prefer to store your website on our hosting as we are always able to update the servers and your website together without any complications, so you don’t even notice that we are working on your website. Having everything in one place gives complete peace of mind for every serious business owner.
For the first 12 months you don’t pay anything, we will pay for your hosting so you have a smooth start with your website. This offer is available for almost every customer who builds their website with us.
After this period you will pay every 12 months in advance, like you would buying it elsewhere, the advantage is that with us you will get full hosting support and you will pay less than elsewhere. Another advantage is that you can combine it together with one of our maintenance plans and have complete peace of mind for your website.
If you are interested in our maintenance offer please head over to the MAINTENANCE section or GET A QUOTE.